

Hoy publiqué una herramienta open-source que sirve para medir el tamaño de contratos de solidity. Está en pypi, y podés instalarla corriendo pip install estimate-sol. Este es el uso:

$ estimate-sol -h
usage: estimate-sol [-h] [--punctuations] [--encoding ENCODING] [--dependencies-multiplier DEPENDENCIES_MULTIPLIER]
[--assembly-multiplier ASSEMBLY_MULTIPLIER] [--week-size WEEK_SIZE] [-a] [-V]
files [files ...]

Estimate solidity audit sizes.

positional arguments:
files Files to be audited.

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--punctuations, -p Use punctuations for counting (default: lines)
--encoding ENCODING, -e ENCODING
File encoding (default=utf-8).
Multiplier to estimate non-audited dependencies (default=1.0).
--assembly-multiplier ASSEMBLY_MULTIPLIER
Multiplier to estimate assembly code (default=1.0).
--week-size WEEK_SIZE, -w WEEK_SIZE
Number of items to audit per week. Defaults: (lines:1.0, punct:1.0)
-a, --absolute_paths Show all paths as absolute (by default relative paths are shown if inside current directory).
-V, --version show program's version number and exit
Y podés ver el anuncio original acá.

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